Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage is a grocery store company located in Colorado, United States, which is part of the Consumer Defensive sector, and is traded under the ticker NGVC on the NYSE exchange.
Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage stock last closed at $40.33, up 0.93% from the previous day, and has increased 163.42% in one year. It has overperformed other stocks in the Grocery Stores industry by 1.35 percentage points. Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage stock is currently +181.83% from its 52-week low of $14.31, and -15.21% from its 52-week high of $47.57.
There are currently 22.91M NGVC shares outstanding. The market value of NGVC is $923.79M. In the past 24 hours, 75,248 NGVC shares were traded.
You will need a brokerage account in order to access the NYSE market and buy NGVC stock.
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Open eToro AccountNow that you've picked your brokerage, it's time to fill out some personal details so you can buy NGVC today.
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Once you have identified the best place to buy Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage stock, it's important to evaluate their stock prior to investing, so you truly understand the risk and upside.
WallStreetZen was created to help average investors perform more in-depth fundamental analysis in minutes instead of hours.
You can see all of the due diligence checks on NGVC's stock page.
Investors use a variety of different financial metrics, analyses, models, and charts to gauge NGVC's true value.
Using relative valuations metrics:
You can access additional valuation analysis on NGVC's stock here.
Last year, NGVC earnings were $33.94M. In the last five year, NGVC's earnings have gone up by 28.82% per year. This was faster than the Grocery Stores industry average of 12.09%.
Last year, NGVC revenue was $1.24B. Over the last 5 year, NGVC's revenue has grown by 6.56% per year. This was slower than the Grocery Stores industry average of 6.67%.
Learn more about NGVC's earnings and revenue performance here.
In the last 12 months, executives and large shareholders at NGVC have sold more shares than they have bought.
Todd Dissinger, Chief Financial Officer of NGVC, was the latest NGVC insider to sell. They sold $784,830.06 worth of NGVC stock on Dec 31, 2024.
Dig into more about who owns NGVC stock here.
Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage pays a dividend of 0.79%, compared to the Grocery Stores industry's average dividend yield of 1.3%. If you owned $1,000 worth of NGVC stock, you would have received $7.93 in the past year.
Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage dividend payments have consistently grown over the past 6 years but have not remained stable.
Get more data about Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage dividend yield and history here.
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Now that you own some shares in NGVC, you'll want to keep up with your investment.
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To reiterate, here are the 6 steps for buying Natural Grocers By Vitamin Cottage stock:
If you require a brokerage, eToro is our favorite option.
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