G. Willi-Food International Ltd. develops, imports, exports, markets, and distributes food products worldwide.
G Willi Food International stock last closed at $15.43, up 1.75% from the previous day, and has increased 71.39% in one year. It has overperformed other stocks in the Food Distribution industry by 0.6 percentage points. G Willi Food International stock is currently +88.57% from its 52-week low of $8.18, and -1.31% from its 52-week high of $15.63.
At the moment, there are 13.87M WILC shares outstanding. The market capitalization of WILC is $213.90M. In the past 24 hours, 10,037 WILC shares were traded.
How to Buy G Willi Food International Stock
Not sure how to invest in G Willi Food International stock? Here's how.
Decide where to buy G Willi Food International stock: You need to pick an online brokerage, but don't worry - we've sifted through dozens of online stock brokerages and apps to help you choose where to buy G Willi Food International stock.
Create a brokerage account: Sign up for 0% commission trading with the highest-rated brokerage we've identified.
Put funds into your brokerage account: Choose your payment method and add your details.
Evaluate G Willi Food International stock: The G Willi Food International ticker symbol is WILC. Is G Willi Food International stock a good investment? Should you buy shares of WILC? How do WILC's underlying business fundamentals look? Do top analysts think G Willi Food International is a good buy? Why has WILC's stock price moved recently? (Hint: Our stock research tools can help you evaluate if WILC is a good stock to buy).
Make your WILC purchase: Decide if you will purchase WILC shares at the current market price or use a limit order to purchase WILC stock at a specific price.
Keep an eye on your WILC investment: Create a watchlist to get the latest news on your new investment in G Willi Food International shares.
Step 1: Decide where to buy G Willi Food International stock
You will need an online brokerage account in order to access the NASDAQ market and buy WILC shares.
A brokerage account is an investment account that enables you to buy and sell a number of investments, including stocks, bonds, mutual funds, and ETFs.
Our recommended brokerage: eToro
Based on our research, eToro is the best place to buy stocks. Here's why:
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eToro securities trading is offered by eToro USA Securities, Inc. (“the BD”), member of FINRA and SIPC. Cryptocurrency is offered by eToro USA LLC (“the MSB”) (NMLS: 1769299) and is not FDIC or SIPC insured. Investing involves risk, and content is provided for educational purposes only, does not imply a recommendation, and is not a guarantee of future performance. https://www.wallstreetzen.com is not an affiliate and may be compensated if you access certain products or services offered by the MSB and/or the BD.
Step 2: Create a brokerage account
Now that you've picked the best brokerage, the next step is to fill out some personal information so you can invest in WILC today.
eToro is a multi-asset investment platform. The value of your investments may go up or down. Your capital is at risk.
Step 4: Evaluate G Willi Food International stock
Once you have figured out the best place to buy G Willi Food International stock, it's important to research their stock prior to buying, so you can comprehend the risk as well as the opportunity.
Overview of key WILC info
WILC Price
1w %
1y %
5y %
Fore. Rev. Growth
Fore. Earn. Growth
Market Cap
Next Earnings
Dec 19, 2024
Next Dividend
G Willi Food International Overview
WallStreetZen was built to help average investors perform more accurate fundamental analysis in less time.
WILC earnings of $21.02M is not enough to cover its interest payments.
There are more short-term assets than long-term liabilities on the WILC balance sheet.
There are more short-term assets than short-term liabilities on the WILC balance sheet.
WILC profit margin has gone up from 6.3% to 10% in the past year.
WILC's operating cash flow of $11.60M allows it to safely service it's debt of $1.28M.
WILC has a low debt to equity ratio of 0.13.
Failed Financial Due Diligence Checks:
Total WILC debt is higher than 5 years ago, relative to shareholder equity.
WILC Trading Indicators
MACD Signal
MACD Histogram
Stochastic %K
Stochastic %D
StochRSI %K
StochRSI %D
WILC Performance Numbers
Last year, WILC earnings were $15.25M. During the last 5 year, WILC's earnings have gone up by 6.07% per year. This was faster than the Food Distribution industry average of 5.32%.
Last year, WILC revenue was $153.13M. During the last five year, WILC's revenue has gone up by 7.56% per year. This was slower than the Food Distribution industry average of 9.98%.
G Willi Food International pays a dividend of 1.3%, compared to the Food Distribution industry's average dividend yield of 1.9%. If you owned $1,000 worth of WILC stock, you would have received $12.97 in the past year.
G Willi Food International dividend payments have not consistently grown over the past decade and have not remained stable.
One of the primary reasons eToro is our top-rated brokerage is because of its social trading community.
Click below to see what other investors have to say.
Step 5: Make your WILC purchase
There are two primary types of orders:
Market order: A market order is an order to buy or sell a security at the best price on the market. Market orders are generally fine for most investors.
Limit order: A limit order lets you buy or sell a stock at a specific price (or better). If you want to make sure you're buying or selling at a given price, place a limit order.
Hit the Open button and eToro will execute your order.
If you want more assistance buying stocks on eToro, watch the helpful video below:
How much does it cost to buy one G Willi Food International share?
As of Dec 6, 2024, it costs $15.43 to buy one share of G Willi Food International stock.
Remember, eToro's fractional share buying allows you to buy partial shares of stocks and ETFs. Even if you only have $7, you can buy 0.454 shares of WILC.
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Information is provided 'as-is' and solely for informational purposes and is not advice. WallStreetZen does not bear any responsibility for any losses or damage that may occur as a result of reliance on this data.