Investcorp Credit Management BDC, Inc. is a business development company specializing in loan, mezzanine, middle market, growth capital, acquisitions, market/product expansion, organic growth, refinancings and recapitalization investments.
Investcorp Credit Management Bdc stock last closed at $3.17, up 0% from the previous day, and has decreased 18.72% in one year. It has underperformed other stocks in the Asset Management industry by 0.37 percentage points. Investcorp Credit Management Bdc stock is currently +6.38% from its 52-week low of $2.98, and -23.06% from its 52-week high of $4.12.
As of Sep 19, 2024, there are 14.4M ICMB shares outstanding. The market cap of ICMB is $45.65M. In the last 24 hours, 10,415 ICMB shares were traded.
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After you have figured out the best place to buy Investcorp Credit Management Bdc stock, it's important to research their stock before you invest, so you truly comprehend the risk as well as the upside.
WallStreetZen was built to help average investors perform more in-depth fundamental analysis quickly.
You can view all of the due diligence checks on ICMB's stock page.
You can use many financial metrics, analyses, models, and charts to gauge ICMB's intrinsic value.
Using relative valuations methods:
You can access additional valuation analysis on ICMB's stock here.
You can dig deeper into what analysts are saying on the Investcorp Credit Management Bdc stock forecast page.
Last year, ICMB revenue was $25.36M. Over the last 5 year, ICMB's revenue has increased by -10.11% per year. This was slower than the Asset Management industry average of 20.93%.
Dig into ICMB's earnings and revenue performance here.
Over the last year, executives and large shareholders at ICMB have not bought or sold any shares.
Research more about who owns ICMB stock here.
Investcorp Credit Management Bdc pays a dividend of 18.93%, compared to the Asset Management industry's average dividend yield of 7.82%. If you owned $1,000 of ICMB stock, you would have received $189.27 last year.
Investcorp Credit Management Bdc dividend payments have not consistently grown over the past decade and have not remained stable.
Find more data about Investcorp Credit Management Bdc dividend yield and history here.
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Now that you own some ICMB stock, you'll want to keep up with your new stock purchase.
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To reiterate, here are the 6 steps for buying Investcorp Credit Management Bdc stock:
If you need a brokerage account, eToro is our favorite option.
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