Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Cullen/Frost Bankers?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc insiders been buying or selling?

Phillip D. GreenChairman and CEO2024-11-2020,147$65.11
Phillip D. GreenChairman and CEO2024-11-2020,147$137.29
Phillip D. GreenChairman and CEO2024-11-1914,358$65.11
Phillip D. GreenChairman and CEO2024-11-1914,358$137.96
Howard L. KasanoffGEVP Chief Credit Officer2024-11-084,000$138.34
Howard L. KasanoffGEVP Chief Credit Officer2024-11-084,000$65.11
Bobby BermanGEVP Research Strategy2024-11-013,506$126.31
Candace K. WolfshohlGEVP CulturePeopleDevelopment2024-10-27843$127.42
Annette M. AlonzoGEVP Chief HR Officer2024-10-27887$127.42
Bobby BermanGEVP Research Strategy2024-10-27472$127.42

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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CFR Shareholders

What type of owners hold Cullen/Frost Bankers Inc stock?

Vanguard Group Inc9.84%6,309,060$903.39MInstitution
Blackrock Inc 19.33%5,984,476$856.92MInstitution
Blackrock Inc9.33%5,984,476$856.92MInstitution
Aristotle Capital Management LLC9.16%5,876,923$841.52MInstitution
State Street Corp5.41%3,468,008$496.58MInstitution
Champlain Investment Partners LLC5.32%3,414,061$488.86MInstitution
Jack A. Wood3.27%2,097,123$300.29MInsider
Fmr LLC2.51%1,609,809$230.51MInstitution
King Luther Capital Management Corp2.42%1,554,559$222.60MInstitution
Neuberger Berman Group LLC2.24%1,434,615$205.42MInstitution

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CFR vs Bank Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
CFR86.64%11.03%Net SellingNet Selling
PNFP87.10%4.91%Net SellingNet Selling
WTFC90.47%3.00%Net BuyingNet Selling
CBSH65.78%5.21%Net SellingNet Selling
CMA86.03%3.24%Net SellingNet Selling

Cullen/Frost Bankers Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Cullen/Frost Bankers?

Cullen/Frost Bankers (NYSE: CFR) is owned by 86.64% institutional shareholders, 11.03% Cullen/Frost Bankers insiders, and 2.33% retail investors. Jack A. Wood is the largest individual Cullen/Frost Bankers shareholder, owning 2.10M shares representing 3.27% of the company. Jack A. Wood's Cullen/Frost Bankers shares are currently valued at $300.29M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Cullen/Frost Bankers stock.
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