Predictive Oncology Inc Stock

$1.62+0.14 (+9.46%)
Updated Feb 14, 2025
POAI Price
Fair Value Price
Market Cap
52 Week Low
52 Week High
Dividend Yield
Gross Margin
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Profit Margin
Debt to Equity
Operating Cash Flow
Next Earnings
Mar 26, 2025
Next Dividend

POAI Overview

Predictive Oncology Inc., a knowledge-driven company, focuses on developing personalized cancer therapies using artificial intelligence (AI) primarily in the United States. The company operates in four segments: Helomics, zPREDICTA, Soluble, and Skyline. The Helomics segment offers clinical testing services comprising tumor drug response testing and genomic profiling tests; and contract research services through patient-centric drug discovery using active learning technology for discovery, clinical and translational research, clinical trials, and diagnostic development and validation. The zPREDICTA segment develops organ-specific disease models that provide 3D reconstruction of human tissues representing each disease state and mimicking drug response for testing of anticancer agents. The Soluble segment provides services using High-Throughput Self-Interaction Chromatography, a self-contained, automated system that conducts high-throughput, self-interaction chromatography screens using additives and excipients that are included in protein formulations for soluble and physically stable formulations for biologics. This segment also offers protein stability analysis services; protein solubility kits that allow rapid identification of soluble formulations; and proprietary technologies for bacterial endotoxin detection and removal. The Skyline segment provides STREAMWAY System, a wall-mounted fully automated system, which virtually eliminates staff exposure to blood, irrigation fluid, and other infectious fluids found in the healthcare environment. It also offers research and development services; and media that help cancer cells grow outside the patient's body and retain their DNA/RNA and proteomic signatures. The company was formerly known as Precision Therapeutics Inc. and changed its name to Predictive Oncology Inc. in June 2019. Predictive Oncology Inc. was incorporated in 2002 and is based in Eagan, Minnesota.

Zen Rating

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Industry: Medical

Industry Rating
Unranked of 48

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POAI is unprofitable, so we are unable to calculate its intrinsic value according to an updated version of Benjamin Graham's Formula from "The Intelligent Investor"
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POAI is poor value based on its book value relative to its share price (5.49x), compared to the US Medical Instruments & Supplies industry average (4.01x)
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Net Income
Profit Margin
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Assets to liabilities

Debt to equity
POAI's short-term assets ($4.57M) exceed... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Short-term Liabilities Financials
POAI's short-term assets ($4.57M) exceed... subscribe to Premium to read more.
Long-term Liabilities Financials
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Shrinking Debt Financials
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Healthy Debt to Equity Financials

Cash flow

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Debt Coverage Financials

POAI vs Medical Stocks

TickerZen RatingMarket Cap1d %P/EP/B

Predictive Oncology Stock FAQ

What is Predictive Oncology's quote symbol?

(NASDAQ: POAI) Predictive Oncology trades on the NASDAQ under the ticker symbol POAI. Predictive Oncology stock quotes can also be displayed as NASDAQ: POAI.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Predictive Oncology stock.

What is the 52 week high and low for Predictive Oncology (NASDAQ: POAI)?

(NASDAQ: POAI) Predictive Oncology's 52-week high was $3.76, and its 52-week low was $0.55. It is currently -56.91% from its 52-week high and 194.55% from its 52-week low.

How much is Predictive Oncology stock worth today?

(NASDAQ: POAI) Predictive Oncology currently has 6,666,993 outstanding shares. With Predictive Oncology stock trading at $1.62 per share, the total value of Predictive Oncology stock (market capitalization) is $10.80M.

Predictive Oncology stock was originally listed at a price of $131,250.00 in May 3, 2010. If you had invested in Predictive Oncology stock at $131,250.00, your return over the last 14 years would have been -100%, for an annualized return of -55.39% (not including any dividends or dividend reinvestments).

How much is Predictive Oncology's stock price per share?

(NASDAQ: POAI) Predictive Oncology stock price per share is $1.62 today (as of Feb 14, 2025).

What is Predictive Oncology's Market Cap?

(NASDAQ: POAI) Predictive Oncology's market cap is $10.80M, as of Feb 18, 2025.

Market cap (market capitalization) is the total market value of a publicly traded company's outstanding shares.

Predictive Oncology's market cap is calculated by multiplying POAI's current stock price of $1.62 by POAI's total outstanding shares of 6,666,993.
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