
Network 1 Technologies Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Network 1 Technologies?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Network 1 Technologies Inc insiders been buying or selling?
Corey M. HorowitzCEO and Chairman2024-03-2223,505$2.09
Jonathan M. GreeneExecutive VP Secretary2024-01-242,674$2.17
Jonathan M. GreeneExecutive VP Secretary2024-01-182,674$2.15

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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NTIP Shareholders

What type of owners hold Network 1 Technologies Inc stock?
Corey M. Horowitz76.61%17,729,579$24.47MInsider
Hound Partners Offshore Fund LP21.63%5,006,261$6.91MInsider
Barry Rubenstein11.46%2,652,428$3.66MInsider
Steven D. Heinemann9.97%2,307,291$3.18MInsider
Hound Partners LLC9.73%2,250,894$3.11MInsider
Barry K. Fingerhut8.68%2,008,598$2.77MInsider
Irwin Lieber8.65%2,000,838$2.76MInsider
Seth Lieber7.05%1,632,300$2.25MInsider
Jonathan Lieber7.05%1,630,748$2.25MInsider
Clayton Partners LLC6.61%1,529,032$2.11MInstitution

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NTIP vs Specialty Business Service Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
NTIP12.57%87.43%Net Selling
WHLM0.03%99.97%Net SellingNet Selling
OMEX39.79%44.43%Net Selling
SGRP7.02%92.98%Net SellingNet Selling

Network 1 Technologies Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Network 1 Technologies?

Network 1 Technologies (NYSEMKT: NTIP) is owned by 23.76% institutional shareholders, 165.36% Network 1 Technologies insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Corey M. Horowitz is the largest individual Network 1 Technologies shareholder, owning 17.73M shares representing 76.61% of the company. Corey M. Horowitz's Network 1 Technologies shares are currently valued at $24.47M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Network 1 Technologies stock.
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