Selectquote Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Selectquote?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Selectquote Inc insiders been buying or selling?

Stephanie D. FisherChief Accounting Officer2024-08-0311,071$4.01
Daniel Allen BoulwareGENERAL COUNSEL AND SECRETARY2024-08-0141,145$4.01
Ryan Moore ClementChief Financial Officer2024-08-0134,114$4.01
Timothy Robert DankerCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER2024-08-01152,796$4.01
Ryan SouanOfficer2024-08-0110,575$4.01
Sarah Taylor AndersonOfficer2024-08-0111,386$4.01
Robert Clay GrantPRESIDENT2024-08-01145,008$4.01
William Thomas Grant IiiCHIEF OPERATING OFFICER2024-08-01125,211$4.01
Joshua Brandon MatthewsPresident SelectQuote Senior2024-08-0126,327$4.01
Stephanie D. FisherChief Accounting Officer2024-05-0911,751$2.51

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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SLQT Shareholders

What type of owners hold Selectquote Inc stock?

Bep III LLC14.33%24,579,728$97.83MInsider
Donald L. Hawks Iii10.58%18,139,340$72.19MInsider
Raymond F. Weldon10.58%18,139,340$72.19MInsider
Blackrock Inc6.17%10,573,377$42.08MInstitution
Blackrock Inc 16.17%10,573,377$42.08MInstitution
Abrams Bison Investments LLC4.61%7,910,794$31.48MInstitution
Vanguard Group Inc4.22%7,243,141$28.83MInstitution
William Thomas Grant Iii4.05%6,939,133$27.62MInsider
Bep III Coinvest LLC4.03%6,911,600$27.51MInsider
Mariner LLC3.68%6,312,224$25.12MInstitution

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SLQT vs Insurance Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
SLQT37.71%54.69%Net Selling
CRD.A13.86%86.14%Net SellingNet Selling
GOCO2.73%97.27%Net Buying
EHTH31.56%68.44%Net SellingNet Selling

Selectquote Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Selectquote?

Selectquote (NYSE: SLQT) is owned by 37.71% institutional shareholders, 54.69% Selectquote insiders, and 7.60% retail investors. Bep III LLC is the largest individual Selectquote shareholder, owning 24.58M shares representing 14.33% of the company. Bep III LLC's Selectquote shares are currently valued at $94.39M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Selectquote stock.
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