Loar Holdings Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Loar Holdings?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Loar Holdings Inc insiders been buying or selling?

Brett N. MilgrimExecutive Co-Chairman2024-12-12120,305$81.18
David C. AbramsDirector2024-12-121,006,461$81.18
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP10% Owner2024-12-12297,024$81.18
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP10% Owner2024-12-1211,167$81.18
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP10% Owner2024-12-1212,673$81.18
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP10% Owner2024-12-125,495$81.18
Blackstone Alternative Credit Advisors LP10% Owner2024-12-129,128$81.18
Blackstone Holdings IV LP10% Owner2024-12-1212,673$81.18
Blackstone Holdings IV LP10% Owner2024-12-125,495$81.18
Blackstone Holdings IV LP10% Owner2024-12-129,128$81.18

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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LOAR Shareholders

What type of owners hold Loar Holdings Inc stock?

Abrams Capital Management LP42.85%38,434,378$3.03BInstitution
David C. Abrams41.72%37,427,917$2.95BInsider
Abrams Capital Management LP41.72%37,427,917$2.95BInsider
Raja Bobbili40.93%36,713,441$2.89BInsider
Alison Bomberg40.93%36,713,441$2.89BInsider
Anthony Carpenito40.93%36,713,441$2.89BInsider
Blackstone Inc14.28%12,811,449$1.01BInstitution
Paul S. Levy10.43%9,357,002$737.80MInsider
Dirkson R. Charles5.26%4,721,377$372.28MInsider
Brett N. Milgrim4.99%4,473,868$352.76MInsider

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LOAR vs Defense Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
LOAR24.48%75.52%Net SellingNet Selling
MOG.A89.45%3.86%Net SellingNet Selling
HII92.25%4.32%Net BuyingNet Buying

Loar Holdings Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Loar Holdings?

Loar Holdings (NYSE: LOAR) is owned by 74.77% institutional shareholders, 230.70% Loar Holdings insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. David C. Abrams is the largest individual Loar Holdings shareholder, owning 37.43M shares representing 41.72% of the company. David C. Abrams's Loar Holdings shares are currently valued at $2.95B.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Loar Holdings stock.
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