Bakkt Holdings Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Bakkt Holdings?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Bakkt Holdings Inc insiders been buying or selling?

Karen AlexanderChief Financial Officer2024-12-23362$27.56
Intercontinental Exchange Inc10% Owner2024-04-25350,880$0.87
Marc DannunzioGeneral Counsel Secretary2024-04-2220,504$0.40
Marc DannunzioGeneral Counsel Secretary2024-04-0513,095$0.52
Karen AlexanderChief Financial Officer2024-04-055,194$0.52
Intercontinental Exchange Inc10% Owner2024-03-042,762,009$0.87
Marc DannunzioGeneral Counsel Secretary2024-02-2350,247$0.88
Gavin Constantine MichaelCEO and President2024-02-2293,591$0.96
Karen AlexanderChief Financial Officer2024-02-2229,577$0.96
Marc DannunzioGeneral Counsel Secretary2024-02-2221,280$0.96

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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BKKT Shareholders

What type of owners hold Bakkt Holdings Inc stock?

Andrew A. Main69.18%9,457,983$297.17MInsider
Gavin Constantine Michael30.86%4,218,666$132.55MInsider
Vpc Impact Acquisition Holdings Sponsor LLC16.06%2,195,441$68.98MInsider
Alpine Global Management LLC7.42%1,013,820$31.85MInsider
Intercontinental Exchange Inc4.75%649,934$20.42MInsider
Sean Roberts Collins4.50%615,560$19.34MInsider
Michael Leroy Lewis3.44%470,125$14.77MInsider
Mark Sonbolian Elliot3.29%449,260$14.12MInsider
Daniel Oprey3.23%441,238$13.86MInsider
Horizon Kinetics Asset Management LLC2.93%400,217$12.57MInstitution

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BKKT vs Software Infrastructure Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
BKKT6.30%93.70%Net BuyingNet Selling
LSAK10.91%89.09%Net Selling
BAND68.45%14.08%Net SellingNet Selling

Bakkt Holdings Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Bakkt Holdings?

Bakkt Holdings (NYSE: BKKT) is owned by 10.55% institutional shareholders, 156.75% Bakkt Holdings insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Andrew A. Main is the largest individual Bakkt Holdings shareholder, owning 9.46M shares representing 69.18% of the company. Andrew A. Main's Bakkt Holdings shares are currently valued at $278.44M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Bakkt Holdings stock.
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