(NYSE: AMG) Affiliated Managers Group's forecast annual earnings growth rate of 26.13% is not forecast to beat the US Asset Management industry's average forecast earnings growth rate of 45.74%, and while it is forecast to beat the US market's average forecast earnings growth rate of 25.29%.
Affiliated Managers Group's earnings in 2025 is $545,500,000.On average, 6 Wall Street analysts forecast AMG's earnings for 2025 to be $698,360,742, with the lowest AMG earnings forecast at $687,621,753, and the highest AMG earnings forecast at $708,779,345. On average, 4 Wall Street analysts forecast AMG's earnings for 2026 to be $813,391,550, with the lowest AMG earnings forecast at $797,774,224, and the highest AMG earnings forecast at $834,213,643.
In 2027, AMG is forecast to generate $916,767,546 in earnings, with the lowest earnings forecast at $916,767,546 and the highest earnings forecast at $916,767,546.