Society Pass Incorporated Stock Ownership - Who owns Society Pass Incorporated?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Society Pass Incorporated insiders been buying or selling?

Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2025-02-0310,714$29.36k
Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2025-02-0312,000$28.92k
Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2024-09-30509$468.28
Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2024-08-284,000$4.24k
Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2024-08-201$1.04
Michael Paul Dunn Jr.Director2024-08-203,999$4.04k

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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SOPA Shareholders

What type of owners hold Society Pass Incorporated stock?

Dennis Luan Thuc Nguyen155.20%5,658,100$21.67MInsider
Bien Kiat Tan56.69%2,066,566$7.91MInsider
Raynauld Wee Leong Liang43.42%1,583,014$6.06MInsider
John Sebastian MacKay15.26%556,318$2.13MInsider
Jeremy Miller14.07%513,053$1.96MInsider
Linda Susan Cutler12.69%462,553$1.77MInsider
Loic Erwan Kevin Gautier2.74%99,844$382.40kInsider
Pierre Antoine Frank Jacques Brun2.27%82,764$316.99kInsider
Mark Robert Carrington1.48%54,000$206.82kInsider
Ubs Group Ag0.77%28,214$108.06kInstitution

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SOPA vs App Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
SOPA0.68%99.32%Net BuyingNet Buying
AMST1.73%98.27%Net BuyingNet Buying
ANY4.16%11.36%Net SellingNet Selling

Society Pass Incorporated Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Society Pass Incorporated?

Society Pass Incorporated (NASDAQ: SOPA) is owned by 2.08% institutional shareholders, 305.73% Society Pass Incorporated insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Dennis Luan Thuc Nguyen is the largest individual Society Pass Incorporated shareholder, owning 5.66M shares representing 155.20% of the company. Dennis Luan Thuc Nguyen's Society Pass Incorporated shares are currently valued at $21.67M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Society Pass Incorporated stock.
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