
Sigma Lithium Corp Stock Ownership - Who owns Sigma Lithium?

Insider buying vs selling

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SGML Shareholders

What type of owners hold Sigma Lithium Corp stock?
Nucleo Capital Ltda3.18%3,517,168$47.55MInstitution
Fourth Sail Capital LP2.84%3,134,797$42.38MInstitution
Appian Way Asset Management LP2.36%2,604,136$35.21MInstitution
Electron Capital Partners LLC1.70%1,881,059$25.43MInstitution
Frontier Capital Management Co LLC 11.67%1,848,692$24.99MInstitution
Legal General Group PLC1.24%1,365,106$18.46MInstitution
Mirae Asset Global Etfs Holdings Ltd1.21%1,333,813$18.03MInstitution
Millennium Management LLC1.13%1,243,579$16.81MInstitution
Van Eck Associates Corp1.09%1,201,612$16.25MInstitution
Point72 Asset Management LP1.04%1,144,492$15.47MInstitution

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SGML vs Mining Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
MTRN71.61%28.39%Net SellingNet Selling

Sigma Lithium Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Sigma Lithium?

Sigma Lithium (NASDAQ: SGML) is owned by 24.68% institutional shareholders, 0.00% Sigma Lithium insiders, and 75.32% retail investors. Nucleo Capital Ltda is the largest individual Sigma Lithium shareholder, owning 3.52M shares representing 3.18% of the company. Nucleo Capital Ltda's Sigma Lithium shares are currently valued at $47.55M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Sigma Lithium stock.
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