M Tron Industries Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns M Tron Industries?

Insider buying vs selling

Have M Tron Industries Inc insiders been buying or selling?

Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-11-147,500$60.11
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-11-131,500$52.58
Ivan ArteagaDirector2024-10-141,600$50.67
Ivan ArteagaDirector2024-10-11400$49.41
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-09-30171$41.60
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-09-09800$33.49
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-06-25200$33.38
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-06-24700$31.85
Mario J. Gabelli10% Owner2024-06-13500$35.70
Linda M. BilesEVP Finance2024-04-1910,000$23.90

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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MPTI Shareholders

What type of owners hold M Tron Industries Inc stock?

Mario J. Gabelli16.73%479,371$24.16MInsider
Gamco Investors Inc Et Al 15.97%171,200$8.63MInstitution
Marc Gabelli3.85%110,241$5.56MInsider
Emg Madonna Educational Foundation Inc3.83%109,877$5.54MInsider
Vanguard Group Inc3.42%98,114$4.94MInstitution
Bard Associates Inc3.11%89,187$4.50MInstitution
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP1.52%43,426$2.19MInstitution
Linda M. Biles0.98%27,960$1.41MInsider
James William Tivy0.87%25,004$1.26MInsider
New York State Common Retirement Fund0.87%24,800$1.25MInstitution

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MPTI vs Electronic Component Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
MPTI23.37%28.08%Net SellingNet Selling
RELL59.17%3.52%Net BuyingNet Buying
KOPN26.57%11.96%Net SellingNet Selling

M Tron Industries Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns M Tron Industries?

M Tron Industries (NYSEMKT: MPTI) is owned by 23.37% institutional shareholders, 28.08% M Tron Industries insiders, and 48.55% retail investors. Mario J. Gabelli is the largest individual M Tron Industries shareholder, owning 479,371.00 shares representing 16.73% of the company. Mario J. Gabelli's M Tron Industries shares are currently valued at $26.20M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy M Tron Industries stock.
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