
Grindr Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Grindr?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Grindr Inc insiders been buying or selling?
Kye ChenChief Accounting Officer2024-09-273,042$12.05
Vandana MehtakrantzChief Financial Officer2024-09-2649,621$12.16
Nathan RichardsonDirector2024-09-161,000$12.03
Zachary KatzGC and Head of Global Affairs2024-09-1231,422$11.78
Kye ChenChief Accounting Officer2024-09-0616,187$11.68
Nathan RichardsonDirector2024-08-141,000$11.98
Kye ChenChief Accounting Officer2024-06-283,042$12.29
George ArisonCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER2024-06-252,931$10.00
George ArisonCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER2024-06-183,430$10.01
George ArisonCHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER2024-06-1783,639$10.15

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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GRND Shareholders

What type of owners hold Grindr Inc stock?
George Raymond Zage Iii85.39%150,282,883$1.78BInsider
James Fu Bin Lu63.95%112,550,665$1.33BInsider
J. Michael Gearon Jr.8.51%14,979,922$177.36MInsider
Ashish 1. Gupta5.22%9,184,168$108.74MInsider
George Arison1.67%2,947,666$34.90MInsider
Citadel Advisors LLC1.39%2,442,393$28.92MInstitution
Blackrock Inc0.96%1,690,186$20.01MInstitution
Sycale Advisors Ny LLC0.69%1,222,355$14.47MInstitution
Laird Norton Wetherby Wealth Management LLC0.67%1,184,114$14.02MInstitution
Cowbird Capital LP0.54%951,802$11.27MInstitution

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GRND vs App Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
GRND6.00%94.00%Net SellingNet Selling
PYCR28.45%71.55%Net SellingNet Selling
JAMF24.69%75.31%Net SellingNet Selling
CALX78.09%21.91%Net BuyingNet Selling
RUM6.67%6.69%Net SellingNet Selling

Grindr Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Grindr?

Grindr (NYSE: GRND) is owned by 10.57% institutional shareholders, 165.69% Grindr insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. George Raymond Zage Iii is the largest individual Grindr shareholder, owning 150.28M shares representing 85.39% of the company. George Raymond Zage Iii's Grindr shares are currently valued at $1.94B.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Grindr stock.
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