
Scworx Corp Stock Ownership - Who owns Scworx?

Insider buying vs selling

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WORX Shareholders

What type of owners hold Scworx Corp stock?
Joseph Gamberale38.84%621,193$717.48kInsider
Marc Sanford Schessel38.36%613,460$708.55kInsider
Joel Daniel Tracy20.04%320,574$370.26kInsider
James Thaddeus Schweikert14.07%225,000$259.88kInsider
Steven Wallitt9.59%153,453$177.24kInsider
Paul K. Danner9.38%150,000$173.25kInsider
Mark Shefts7.37%117,811$136.07kInsider
Robert Joseph Haydak Jr.6.46%103,334$119.35kInsider
John C. Ferrara5.63%90,000$103.95kInsider
Ubs Group Ag5.37%85,946$99.27kInstitution

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WORX vs Health Information Service Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
FOXO1.10%98.90%Net SellingNet Selling

Scworx Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Scworx?

Scworx (NASDAQ: WORX) is owned by 6.61% institutional shareholders, 182.28% Scworx insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Joseph Gamberale is the largest individual Scworx shareholder, owning 621,193.00 shares representing 38.84% of the company. Joseph Gamberale's Scworx shares are currently valued at $690.15k.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Scworx stock.
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