Safe Pro Group Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Safe Pro Group?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Safe Pro Group Inc insiders been buying or selling?

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SPAI Shareholders

What type of owners hold Safe Pro Group Inc stock?

Daniyel Erdberg37.36%5,140,000$19.33MInsider
Pravin Borkar10.90%1,500,000$5.64MInsider
Christopher Michael Todd5.23%720,000$2.71MInsider
Theresa Carlise2.03%280,000$1.05MInsider
Cresset Asset Management LLC0.75%103,000$387.28kInstitution
Arsdale Lee Van0.53%72,812$273.77kInsider
John Edward Miller0.36%50,000$188.00kInsider
Arthur T. Dean0.36%50,000$188.00kInsider
Ubs Group Ag0.06%8,921$33.54kInstitution
Concourse Financial Group Securities Inc0.00%0$0.00Institution

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SPAI vs Defense Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
CVU7.10%92.90%Net BuyingNet Buying
OPXS8.89%53.87%Net SellingNet Selling
VTSI20.96%79.04%Net Buying
HOVR0.35%36.68%Net Selling

Safe Pro Group Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Safe Pro Group?

Safe Pro Group (NASDAQ: SPAI) is owned by 0.81% institutional shareholders, 56.78% Safe Pro Group insiders, and 42.41% retail investors. Daniyel Erdberg is the largest individual Safe Pro Group shareholder, owning 5.14M shares representing 37.36% of the company. Daniyel Erdberg's Safe Pro Group shares are currently valued at $19.33M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Safe Pro Group stock.
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