Based on 2 analysts offering 12 month price targets for Intellicheck Inc
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Should I buy or sell IDN stock?
Based on 2 analysts offering ratings for Intellicheck Inc.
Strong Buy
0 analysts 0%
1 analysts 50%
1 analysts 50%
0 analysts 0%
Strong Sell
0 analysts 0%
Although IDN's forecast from analysts indicates a "Buy", our proven Zen Rating quant model rates IDN as a "Sell". Stocks with a Zen Rating of Sell have had an average return of -4.50% per year. Learn More
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Is Intellicheck Stock a good buy in 2025, according to Wall Street analysts?
The consensus among 2 Wall Street analysts covering (NASDAQ: IDN) stock is to Buy IDN stock.
Out of 2 analysts, 0 (0%) are recommending IDN as a Strong Buy, 1 (50%) are recommending IDN as a Buy, 1 (50%) are recommending IDN as a Hold, 0 (0%) are recommending IDN as a Sell, and 0 (0%) are recommending IDN as a Strong Sell.
What is IDN's earnings growth forecast for 2025-2025?
(NASDAQ: IDN) Intellicheck's forecast annual earnings growth rate of N/A is not forecast to beat the US Software - Application industry's average forecast earnings growth rate of N/A, and while it is not forecast to beat the US market's average forecast earnings growth rate of N/A.
Intellicheck's earnings in 2025 is -$649,000.
In 2025, IDN is forecast to generate -$988,116 in earnings, with the lowest earnings forecast at -$1,580,985 and the highest earnings forecast at -$395,246.
What is IDN's revenue growth forecast for 2025-2025?
(NASDAQ: IDN) Intellicheck's forecast annual revenue growth rate of N/A is not forecast to beat the US Software - Application industry's average forecast revenue growth rate of N/A, and while it is not forecast to beat the US market's average forecast revenue growth rate of N/A.
Intellicheck's revenue in 2025 is $19,237,000.
In 2025, IDN is forecast to generate $415,304,966 in revenue, with the lowest revenue forecast at $398,012,944 and the highest revenue forecast at $432,596,988.
What is IDN's forecast return on assets (ROA) for 2025-2025?
(NASDAQ: IDN) forecast ROA is -4.78%, which is lower than the forecast US Software - Application industry average of 11.28%.
What is IDN's Price Target?
According to 2 Wall Street analysts that have issued a 1 year IDN price target, the average IDN price target is $3.00, with the highest IDN stock price forecast at $4.00 and the lowest IDN stock price forecast at $2.00.
On average, Wall Street analysts predict that Intellicheck's share price could reach $3.00 by Nov 14, 2025. The average Intellicheck stock price prediction forecasts a potential upside of 10.7% from the current IDN share price of $2.71.
What is IDN's Earnings Per Share (EPS) forecast for 2025-2025?
(NASDAQ: IDN) Intellicheck's current Earnings Per Share (EPS) is -$0.03. In 2025, IDN's EPS is forecast to hit -$0.05 (min: -$0.08, max: -$0.02).
What is IDN's forecast return on equity (ROE) for 2025-2025?
(NASDAQ: IDN) forecast ROE is -5.9%, which is considered weak.
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