Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co Stock Ownership - Who owns Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co insiders been buying or selling?

Lisa GouldSVP of HR IT2025-01-24429$1.26
Barbara Anne GrafficeEVP Global Mktg PA2025-01-24429$1.26
Buiten John VanVP of AccountingController2025-01-24192$1.26
Buiten John VanVP of AccountingController2024-12-2064$1.12

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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HOFV Shareholders

What type of owners hold Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co stock?

Hof Village LLC229.19%15,027,837$17.28MInsider
National Football Museum Inc56.12%3,679,850$4.23MInsider
James J. Dolan26.21%1,718,794$1.98MInsider
Michael Stuart Klein22.85%1,498,366$1.72MInsider
Stuart Lichter22.34%1,464,971$1.68MInsider
Basso Capital Management LP11.24%737,222$847.81kInsider
Jason Krom6.40%419,331$482.23kInsider
Erica Muhleman3.42%224,015$257.62kInsider
Vanguard Group Inc1.78%116,609$134.10kInstitution
Michael Anthony Crawford1.37%89,592$103.03kInsider

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HOFV vs Entertainment Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
HOFV0.80%99.20%Net SellingNet Selling

Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co?

Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co (NASDAQ: HOFV) is owned by 3.10% institutional shareholders, 385.93% Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Hof Village LLC is the largest individual Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co shareholder, owning 15.03M shares representing 229.19% of the company. Hof Village LLC's Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co shares are currently valued at $17.73M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Hall Of Fame Resort & Entertainment Co stock.
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