G III Apparel Group Ltd Stock Ownership - Who owns G III Apparel Group?

Insider buying vs selling

Have G III Apparel Group Ltd insiders been buying or selling?

Morris GoldfarbCEO2024-09-2667,014$30.30
Morris GoldfarbCEO2024-09-24100,000$31.59
Sammy AaronVice Chairman and President2024-04-0158,650$28.53
Jeffrey David GoldfarbExecutive Vice President2024-04-0120,304$28.53
Morris GoldfarbCEO2024-04-0187,974$28.53
Neal NackmanChief Financial OfficerTreas2024-04-017,310$28.53

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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GIII Shareholders

What type of owners hold G III Apparel Group Ltd stock?

Blackrock Inc16.66%7,312,317$229.61MInstitution
Blackrock Inc 116.66%7,312,317$229.61MInstitution
Morris Goldfarb14.64%6,427,017$201.81MInsider
Pacer Advisors Inc11.14%4,888,341$153.49MInstitution
Vanguard Group Inc10.92%4,794,484$150.55MInstitution
Dimensional Fund Advisors LP7.40%3,248,179$101.99MInstitution
State Street Corp3.65%1,602,983$50.33MInstitution
American Century Companies Inc2.98%1,307,533$41.06MInstitution
Royal Bank Of Canada2.88%1,265,649$39.74MInstitution
Prentice Capital Management LP2.73%1,200,000$37.68MInsider

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GIII vs Apparel Manufacturing Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
GIII80.54%19.46%Net Selling
OXM76.60%23.40%Net SellingNet Selling
FIGS70.50%29.50%Net SellingNet Selling

G III Apparel Group Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns G III Apparel Group?

G III Apparel Group (NASDAQ: GIII) is owned by 97.76% institutional shareholders, 23.63% G III Apparel Group insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Morris Goldfarb is the largest individual G III Apparel Group shareholder, owning 6.43M shares representing 14.64% of the company. Morris Goldfarb's G III Apparel Group shares are currently valued at $196.60M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy G III Apparel Group stock.
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