Ticker | Company | DD Score | Valuation Score | Financials Score | Forecast Score | Performance Score | Dividends Score |
GVH | GLOBAVEND HOLDINGS LTD | 53 | 71 | 71 | 0 | 70 | – |
SUGP | SU GROUP HOLDINGS LTD | 52 | 100 | 57 | 0 | 50 | – |
STFS | STAR FASHION CULTURE HOLDINGS LTD | 49 | 57 | 57 | 0 | 80 | – |
CLIR | CLEARSIGN TECHNOLOGIES CORP | 49 | 14 | 86 | 56 | 40 | – |
ANTE | AIRNET TECHNOLOGY INC | 44 | 71 | 43 | 0 | 60 | – |
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Since penny stocks are usually early-stage companies, they can be exciting investments and can generate outstanding returns very quickly.
Because of the small size of penny stock companies, these investments can double, triple, or 100x much more easily than large-cap stocks.
However, cheap stocks can also be volatile and risky. It’s important to identify penny stocks with solid business fundamentals as we’ve aimed to do with this penny stock list.
Some of the best penny stocks to buy today are the companies listed above.
We’ve collected a NYSE and NASDAQ list of penny stocks under $1 and sorted them based on Zen Score, so you can find the best penny stocks based on their Valuation, Financials, Forecast, Performance, and Dividend (if applicable) Scores.
By using Zen Score, we’ve created a list of stocks under $1 that show signs of potential to increase in price and become more established businesses.
To further narrow your search for the top penny stocks with potential in {{"now" | date: "%Y"}}, look at the stocks with the highest Forecast Scores or filter by Analyst Consensus or Price Target under the Forecast tab.
A penny stock is any stock that trades for less than $5 per share and usually less than $1 per share. Since these are cheap stocks, you can accumulate many shares for a very small sum.
For investors with a higher risk tolerance, buying penny stocks is a popular way to see quick returns while investing nominal amounts of capital.
Penny stocks are highly volatile and represent one of the most speculative asset classes. Only experienced investors with a high appetite for risk should consider investing in penny stocks.
However, if you have specific knowledge of a new product or technology that a penny stock company has created, buying penny stocks can be very lucrative.