
Roth Ch Acquisition V Co Stock Ownership - Who owns Roth Ch Acquisition V Co?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Roth Ch Acquisition V Co insiders been buying or selling?
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc10% Owner2023-12-0530,000$10.67

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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ROCL Shareholders

What type of owners hold Roth Ch Acquisition V Co stock?
Byron Roth25.31%1,244,910$13.99MInsider
Gordon J. Roth17.53%862,566$9.70MInsider
John C. Lipman16.31%802,232$9.02MInsider
Chlm Sponsor5 LLC14.03%690,285$7.76MInsider
Cr Financial Holdings Inc13.36%657,056$7.39MInsider
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc10.50%516,435$5.80MInsider
Polar Asset Management Partners Inc9.89%486,435$5.47MInstitution
Cowen And Company LLC4.78%235,000$2.64MInstitution
Nokomis Capital LLC4.07%200,100$2.25MInstitution
Karpus Management Inc3.51%172,885$1.94MInstitution

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ROCL vs Shell Company Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
ROCL22.98%77.02%Net Selling
BUJA67.48%32.52%Net SellingNet Selling
PTWO0.16%99.84%Net BuyingNet Selling

Roth Ch Acquisition V Co Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Roth Ch Acquisition V Co?

Roth Ch Acquisition V Co (NASDAQ: ROCL) is owned by 30.83% institutional shareholders, 103.33% Roth Ch Acquisition V Co insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Byron Roth is the largest individual Roth Ch Acquisition V Co shareholder, owning 1.24M shares representing 25.31% of the company. Byron Roth's Roth Ch Acquisition V Co shares are currently valued at $13.99M.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Roth Ch Acquisition V Co stock.
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