
Ati Physical Therapy Inc Stock Ownership - Who owns Ati Physical Therapy?

Insider buying vs selling

Have Ati Physical Therapy Inc insiders been buying or selling?
Eimile TanseyChief People Officer2024-09-02174$6.06
Erik KantzChief Legal Officer2024-06-1611$4.19
Sharon VittiChief Executive Officer2024-05-121,612$4.95
Scott GregersonChief Growth Officer2024-03-223,391$6.08
Joseph Francis JordanChief Financial Officer2024-03-226,956$6.08
Erik KantzChief Legal Officer2024-03-221,437$6.08
Christopher L. CoxChief Operating Officer2024-03-225,755$6.08
Augustus OakesChief Information Officer2024-03-221,437$6.08
Brent Michael RhodesChief Accounting Officer2024-03-22975$6.08
Eimile TanseyChief People Officer2024-03-222,873$6.08

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Net Insider Buy/Sell (L12M) Ownership

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ATIP Shareholders

What type of owners hold Ati Physical Therapy Inc stock?
Advent International Corp5,592.59%246,130,656$1.50BInsider
Fortress Acquisition Sponsor Ii LLC364.12%16,025,000$97.91MInsider
Advent International LP52.64%2,316,613$14.15MInstitution
Advent International GP LLC52.64%2,316,613$14.15MInsider
John L. Larsen12.00%528,160$3.23MInsider
Ray Wahl8.72%383,817$2.35MInsider
Teresa Sparks7.70%338,931$2.07MInsider
Joanne Burns7.67%337,474$2.06MInsider
Daniel Dourney7.36%323,854$1.98MInsider
Fortress Investment Group LLC7.28%320,500$1.96MInstitution

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ATIP vs Medical Care Facility Stocks

TickerInst. %Insider %Net Insider (L12M)Net Insider (L3M)
ATIP1.11%98.89%Net SellingNet Selling
TOI24.77%46.60%Net Selling

Ati Physical Therapy Stock Ownership FAQ

Who owns Ati Physical Therapy?

Ati Physical Therapy (NYSE: ATIP) is owned by 68.34% institutional shareholders, 6,076.64% Ati Physical Therapy insiders, and 0.00% retail investors. Advent International Corp is the largest individual Ati Physical Therapy shareholder, owning 246.13M shares representing 5,592.59% of the company. Advent International Corp's Ati Physical Therapy shares are currently valued at $1.50B.

If you're new to stock investing, here's how to buy Ati Physical Therapy stock.
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